MNIST 上的深度学习#

本教程演示如何构建一个简单的前馈神经网络(具有一个隐藏层)并使用 NumPy 从头开始​​训练它以识别手写数字图像。

您的深度学习模型(类似于原始多层感知器的最基本的人工神经网络之一)将学习对MNIST数据集中的 0 到 9 的数字进行分类。该数据集包含 60,000 个训练图像和 10,000 个测试图像以及相应的标签。每个训练和测试图像的大小为 784(或 28x28 像素)——这将是神经网络的输入。

根据图像输入及其标签(监督学习),您的神经网络将被训练以使用前向传播和反向传播(反向模式微分)来学习其特征。网络的最终输出是一个由 10 个分数组成的向量——每个分数对应一个手写数字图像。您还将评估您的模型在对测试集上的图像进行分类方面的表现。


本教程改编自Andrew Trask的作品(已获得作者许可)。


读者应该具备一些 Python、NumPy 数组操作和线性代数的知识。此外,您应该熟悉深度学习的主要概念。

要刷新记忆,您可以学习Pythonn 维数组上的线性代数教程。

建议您阅读Yann LeCun、Yoshua Bengio 和 Geoffrey Hinton 于 2015 年发表的深度学习论文,他们被认为是该领域的一些先驱。您还应该考虑阅读 Andrew Trask 的Grokking Deep Learning,其中教授如何使用 NumPy 进行深度学习。

除了 NumPy 之外,您还将利用以下 Python 标准模块进行数据加载和处理:

本教程可以在隔离环境中本地运行,例如Virtualenvconda。您可以使用Jupyter Notebook 或 JupyterLab来运行每个笔记本单元。不要忘记设置 NumPyMatplotlib


  1. 加载 MNIST 数据集

  2. 预处理数据集

  3. 从头开始构建和训练小型神经网络

  4. 下一步


在本部分中,您将下载最初存储在Yann LeCun 网站中的压缩 MNIST 数据集文件。然后,您将使用内置 Python 模块将它们转换为 4 个 NumPy 数组类型的文件。最后,您将把数组分成训练集和测试集。

1.定义一个变量,以列表形式存储 MNIST 数据集的训练/测试图像/标签名称:

data_sources = {
    "training_images": "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",  # 60,000 training images.
    "test_images": "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",  # 10,000 test images.
    "training_labels": "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",  # 60,000 training labels.
    "test_labels": "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",  # 10,000 test labels.


import requests
import os

data_dir = "../_data"
os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True)

base_url = ""

for fname in data_sources.values():
    fpath = os.path.join(data_dir, fname)
    if not os.path.exists(fpath):
        print("Downloading file: " + fname)
        resp = requests.get(base_url + fname, stream=True, **request_opts)
        resp.raise_for_status()  # Ensure download was succesful
        with open(fpath, "wb") as fh:
            for chunk in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=128):
Downloading file: train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Downloading file: t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Downloading file: train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Downloading file: t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz

3.解压这4个文件并创建 4 ndarrays,并将它们保存到字典中。每个原始图像的大小为 28x28,神经网络通常期望一维向量输入;因此,您还需要通过将 28 乘以 28 (784) 来重塑图像。

import gzip
import numpy as np

mnist_dataset = {}

# Images
for key in ("training_images", "test_images"):
    with, data_sources[key]), "rb") as mnist_file:
        mnist_dataset[key] = np.frombuffer(
  , np.uint8, offset=16
        ).reshape(-1, 28 * 28)
# Labels
for key in ("training_labels", "test_labels"):
    with, data_sources[key]), "rb") as mnist_file:
        mnist_dataset[key] = np.frombuffer(, np.uint8, offset=8)


x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = (

5.您可以确认训练集和测试集的图像数组的形状分别为和,以及标签 -和:(60000, 784)(10000, 784)(60000,)(10000,)

    "The shape of training images: {} and training labels: {}".format(
        x_train.shape, y_train.shape
    "The shape of test images: {} and test labels: {}".format(
        x_test.shape, y_test.shape
The shape of training images: (60000, 784) and training labels: (60000,)
The shape of test images: (10000, 784) and test labels: (10000,)

6.您可以使用 Matplotlib 检查一些图像:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Take the 60,000th image (indexed at 59,999) from the training set,
# reshape from (784, ) to (28, 28) to have a valid shape for displaying purposes.
mnist_image = x_train[59999, :].reshape(28, 28)
# Set the color mapping to grayscale to have a black background.
plt.imshow(mnist_image, cmap="gray")
# Display the image.
# Display 5 random images from the training set.
num_examples = 5
seed = 147197952744
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_examples)
for sample, ax in zip(rng.choice(x_train, size=num_examples, replace=False), axes):
    ax.imshow(sample.reshape(28, 28), cmap="gray")

上面是从 MNIST 训练集中获取的五张图像。显示各种手绘阿拉伯数字,每次运行代码时随机选择精确值。

注意:您还可以通过打印将示例图像可视化为数组x_train[59999]。这59999是您的第 60,000 个训练图像样本(0将是您的第一个)。您的输出将相当长,并且应包含一个 8 位整数数组:

         0,   0,  38,  48,  48,  22,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
         0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
         0,  62,  97, 198, 243, 254, 254, 212,  27,   0,   0,   0,   0,
# Display the label of the 60,000th image (indexed at 59,999) from the training set.

2. 预处理数据#


由于 MNIST 数据已经矢量化并且数组为dtype uint8,您的下一个挑战是将它们转换为浮点格式,例如float64双精度):

在实践中,您可以根据您的目标使用不同类型的浮点精度,并且您可以在NvidiaGoogle Cloud博客文章中找到更多相关信息。


图像数据包含以 [0, 255] 间隔编码的 8 位整数,颜色值在 0 到 255 之间。

您可以将它们除以 255,将它们标准化为 [0, 1] 区间内的浮点数组。


print("The data type of training images: {}".format(x_train.dtype))
print("The data type of test images: {}".format(x_test.dtype))
The data type of training images: uint8
The data type of test images: uint8

2.通过除以 255 来标准化数组(从而将数据类型从 提升uint8float64),然后将训练和测试图像数据变量 —x_trainx_test—分别分配给training_imagestrain_labels。为了减少本示例中的模型训练和评估时间,将仅使用训练和测试图像的子集。training_images和均test_images仅包含 60,000 张和 10,000 张图像的完整数据集中的 1,000 个样本。这些值可以通过更改 training_sampletest_sample以下值进行控制,最高可达 60,000 和 10,000 的最大值。

training_sample, test_sample = 1000, 1000
training_images = x_train[0:training_sample] / 255
test_images = x_test[0:test_sample] / 255


print("The data type of training images: {}".format(training_images.dtype))
print("The data type of test images: {}".format(test_images.dtype))
The data type of training images: float64
The data type of test images: float64


       0.        , 0.        , 0.01176471, 0.07058824, 0.07058824,
       0.07058824, 0.49411765, 0.53333333, 0.68627451, 0.10196078,
       0.65098039, 1.        , 0.96862745, 0.49803922, 0.        ,


您将使用 one-hot 编码将每个数字标签嵌入为全零向量,np.zeros()并放置1标签索引。因此,您的标签数据将是每个图像标签位置带有1.0(或) 的数组。1.

由于总共有 10 个标签(从 0 到 9),因此您的数组将类似于以下内容:

array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

1.确认图像标签数据为整数dtype uint8

print("The data type of training labels: {}".format(y_train.dtype))
print("The data type of test labels: {}".format(y_test.dtype))
The data type of training labels: uint8
The data type of test labels: uint8


def one_hot_encoding(labels, dimension=10):
    # Define a one-hot variable for an all-zero vector
    # with 10 dimensions (number labels from 0 to 9).
    one_hot_labels = labels[..., None] == np.arange(dimension)[None]
    # Return one-hot encoded labels.
    return one_hot_labels.astype(np.float64)


training_labels = one_hot_encoding(y_train[:training_sample])
test_labels = one_hot_encoding(y_test[:test_sample])


print("The data type of training labels: {}".format(training_labels.dtype))
print("The data type of test labels: {}".format(test_labels.dtype))
The data type of training labels: float64
The data type of test labels: float64


[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]




3. 从头开始​​构建并训练一个小型神经网络#


之后,您将使用 Python 和 NumPy 构建简单深度学习模型的构建块,并训练它学习以一定的准确度识别 MNIST 数据集中的手写数字。

使用 NumPy 构建神经网络模块#

  • :这些构建块充当数据过滤器——它们处理数据并从输入中学习表示,以更好地预测目标输出。

    您将在模型中使用 1 个隐藏层向前传递输入(前向传播)并向后传播损失函数的梯度/误差导数(反向传播)。这些是输入层、隐藏层和输出层。

    在隐藏层(中间层)和输出层(最后层)中,神经网络模型将计算输入的加权和。要计算此过程,您将使用 NumPy 的矩阵乘法函数(“点乘”或)。, weights)

    注意:为简单起见,本例中省略了偏置项(没有)。, weights) + bias

  • 权重:这些是重要的可调节参数,神经网络通过向前和向后传播数据来进行微调。它们通过称为梯度下降的过程进行优化。在模型训练开始之前,使用 NumPy 随机初始化权重Generator.random()


  • 激活函数:深度学习模型能够确定输入和输出之间的非线性关系,这些非线性函数通常应用于每一层的输出。

    您将使用修正线性单元 (ReLU)来处理隐藏层的输出(例如,.relu(, weights))

  • 正则化:该技术有助于防止神经网络模型过度拟合

    在此示例中,您将使用一种称为 dropout(稀释)的方法,该方法将图层中的许多特征随机设置为 0。您将使用 NumPy 的Generator.integers()方法定义它并将其应用到网络的隐藏层。

  • 损失函数:计算通过将图像标签(真实值)与最终层输出中的预测值进行比较来确定预测的质量。

    为简单起见,您将使用 NumPynp.sum()函数(例如)来使用基本总平方误差。np.sum((final_layer_output - image_labels) ** 2)

  • 准确性:该指标衡量网络对其未见过的数据进行预测的能力的准确性。




  • 输入层


  • 隐藏(中间)层

    layer_1获取前一层的输出,并通过权重 ( weights_1) 与 NumPy 的 执行输入的矩阵乘法。

    然后,该输出通过 ReLU 激活函数进行非线性处理,然后应用 dropout 来帮助防止过度拟合。

  • 输出(最后)层

    layer_2摄取 的输出layer_1并重复相同的“点乘”过程weights_2

    最终输出为每个 0-9 数字标签返回 10 个分数。网络模型以大小为 10 的层结束——一个 10 维向量。

  • 前向传播、反向传播、训练循环




  1. 通过将图像的真实标签(真相)与模型的预测进行比较来测量误差。

  2. 对损失函数求微分。

  3. 吸收相对于输出的梯度,并相对于通过各层的输入反向传播它们。






seed = 884736743
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

2.对于隐藏层,定义用于前向传播的 ReLU 激活函数以及将在反向传播期间使用的 ReLU 导数:

# Define ReLU that returns the input if it's positive and 0 otherwise.
def relu(x):
    return (x >= 0) * x

# Set up a derivative of the ReLU function that returns 1 for a positive input
# and 0 otherwise.
def relu2deriv(output):
    return output >= 0


  • 学习率learning_rate—有助于限制权重更新的幅度,以防止它们过度校正。

  • 历元(迭代)epochs— 数据通过网络的完整传递次数(前向和后向传播)。该参数会对结果产生积极或消极的影响。迭代次数越高,学习过程可能花费的时间就越长。由于这是一项计算密集型任务,因此我们选择了非常少的 epoch 数 (20)。为了获得有意义的结果,您应该选择一个更大的数字。

  • 网络中隐藏(中间)层的大小hidden_size- 隐藏层的不同大小会影响训练和测试期间的结果。

  • 输入的大小: pixels_per_image — 您已确定图像输入为 784 (28x28)(以像素为单位)。

  • 标签数量num_labels— 表示输出层的输出数量,其中对 10 个(0 到 9)个手写数字标签进行预测。

learning_rate = 0.005
epochs = 20
hidden_size = 100
pixels_per_image = 784
num_labels = 10


weights_1 = 0.2 * rng.random((pixels_per_image, hidden_size)) - 0.1
weights_2 = 0.2 * rng.random((hidden_size, num_labels)) - 0.1



# To store training and test set losses and accurate predictions
# for visualization.
store_training_loss = []
store_training_accurate_pred = []
store_test_loss = []
store_test_accurate_pred = []

# This is a training loop.
# Run the learning experiment for a defined number of epochs (iterations).
for j in range(epochs):

    # Training step #

    # Set the initial loss/error and the number of accurate predictions to zero.
    training_loss = 0.0
    training_accurate_predictions = 0

    # For all images in the training set, perform a forward pass
    # and backpropagation and adjust the weights accordingly.
    for i in range(len(training_images)):
        # Forward propagation/forward pass:
        # 1. The input layer:
        #    Initialize the training image data as inputs.
        layer_0 = training_images[i]
        # 2. The hidden layer:
        #    Take in the training image data into the middle layer by
        #    matrix-multiplying it by randomly initialized weights.
        layer_1 =, weights_1)
        # 3. Pass the hidden layer's output through the ReLU activation function.
        layer_1 = relu(layer_1)
        # 4. Define the dropout function for regularization.
        dropout_mask = rng.integers(low=0, high=2, size=layer_1.shape)
        # 5. Apply dropout to the hidden layer's output.
        layer_1 *= dropout_mask * 2
        # 6. The output layer:
        #    Ingest the output of the middle layer into the the final layer
        #    by matrix-multiplying it by randomly initialized weights.
        #    Produce a 10-dimension vector with 10 scores.
        layer_2 =, weights_2)

        # Backpropagation/backward pass:
        # 1. Measure the training error (loss function) between the actual
        #    image labels (the truth) and the prediction by the model.
        training_loss += np.sum((training_labels[i] - layer_2) ** 2)
        # 2. Increment the accurate prediction count.
        training_accurate_predictions += int(
            np.argmax(layer_2) == np.argmax(training_labels[i])
        # 3. Differentiate the loss function/error.
        layer_2_delta = training_labels[i] - layer_2
        # 4. Propagate the gradients of the loss function back through the hidden layer.
        layer_1_delta =, layer_2_delta) * relu2deriv(layer_1)
        # 5. Apply the dropout to the gradients.
        layer_1_delta *= dropout_mask
        # 6. Update the weights for the middle and input layers
        #    by multiplying them by the learning rate and the gradients.
        weights_1 += learning_rate * np.outer(layer_0, layer_1_delta)
        weights_2 += learning_rate * np.outer(layer_1, layer_2_delta)

    # Store training set losses and accurate predictions.

    # Evaluation step #

    # Evaluate model performance on the test set at each epoch.

    # Unlike the training step, the weights are not modified for each image
    # (or batch). Therefore the model can be applied to the test images in a
    # vectorized manner, eliminating the need to loop over each image
    # individually:

    results = relu(test_images @ weights_1) @ weights_2

    # Measure the error between the actual label (truth) and prediction values.
    test_loss = np.sum((test_labels - results) ** 2)

    # Measure prediction accuracy on test set
    test_accurate_predictions = np.sum(
        np.argmax(results, axis=1) == np.argmax(test_labels, axis=1)

    # Store test set losses and accurate predictions.

    # Summarize error and accuracy metrics at each epoch
            f"Epoch: {j}\n"
            f"  Training set error: {training_loss / len(training_images):.3f}\n"
            f"  Training set accuracy: {training_accurate_predictions / len(training_images)}\n"
            f"  Test set error: {test_loss / len(test_images):.3f}\n"
            f"  Test set accuracy: {test_accurate_predictions / len(test_images)}"
Epoch: 0
  Training set error: 0.898
  Training set accuracy: 0.397
  Test set error: 0.680
  Test set accuracy: 0.582
Epoch: 1
  Training set error: 0.656
  Training set accuracy: 0.633
  Test set error: 0.607
  Test set accuracy: 0.641
Epoch: 2
  Training set error: 0.592
  Training set accuracy: 0.68
  Test set error: 0.569
  Test set accuracy: 0.679
Epoch: 3
  Training set error: 0.556
  Training set accuracy: 0.7
  Test set error: 0.541
  Test set accuracy: 0.708
Epoch: 4
  Training set error: 0.534
  Training set accuracy: 0.732
  Test set error: 0.526
  Test set accuracy: 0.729
Epoch: 5
  Training set error: 0.515
  Training set accuracy: 0.715
  Test set error: 0.500
  Test set accuracy: 0.739
Epoch: 6
  Training set error: 0.495
  Training set accuracy: 0.748
  Test set error: 0.487
  Test set accuracy: 0.753
Epoch: 7
  Training set error: 0.483
  Training set accuracy: 0.769
  Test set error: 0.486
  Test set accuracy: 0.747
Epoch: 8
  Training set error: 0.473
  Training set accuracy: 0.776
  Test set error: 0.473
  Test set accuracy: 0.752
Epoch: 9
  Training set error: 0.460
  Training set accuracy: 0.788
  Test set error: 0.462
  Test set accuracy: 0.762
Epoch: 10
  Training set error: 0.465
  Training set accuracy: 0.769
  Test set error: 0.462
  Test set accuracy: 0.767
Epoch: 11
  Training set error: 0.443
  Training set accuracy: 0.801
  Test set error: 0.456
  Test set accuracy: 0.775
Epoch: 12
  Training set error: 0.448
  Training set accuracy: 0.795
  Test set error: 0.455
  Test set accuracy: 0.772
Epoch: 13
  Training set error: 0.438
  Training set accuracy: 0.787
  Test set error: 0.453
  Test set accuracy: 0.778
Epoch: 14
  Training set error: 0.446
  Training set accuracy: 0.791
  Test set error: 0.450
  Test set accuracy: 0.779
Epoch: 15
  Training set error: 0.441
  Training set accuracy: 0.788
  Test set error: 0.452
  Test set accuracy: 0.772
Epoch: 16
  Training set error: 0.437
  Training set accuracy: 0.786
  Test set error: 0.453
  Test set accuracy: 0.772
Epoch: 17
  Training set error: 0.436
  Training set accuracy: 0.794
  Test set error: 0.449
  Test set accuracy: 0.778
Epoch: 18
  Training set error: 0.433
  Training set accuracy: 0.801
  Test set error: 0.450
  Test set accuracy: 0.774
Epoch: 19
  Training set error: 0.429
  Training set accuracy: 0.785
  Test set error: 0.436
  Test set accuracy: 0.784

训练过程可能需要很多分钟,具体取决于许多因素,例如运行实验的机器的处理能力和轮数。为了减少等待时间,您可以将 epoch(迭代)变量从 100 更改为更低的数字,重置运行时间(这将重置权重),然后再次运行笔记本单元。


epoch_range = np.arange(epochs) + 1  # Starting from 1

# The training set metrics.
training_metrics = {
    "accuracy": np.asarray(store_training_accurate_pred) / len(training_images),
    "error": np.asarray(store_training_loss) / len(training_images),

# The test set metrics.
test_metrics = {
    "accuracy": np.asarray(store_test_accurate_pred) / len(test_images),
    "error": np.asarray(store_test_loss) / len(test_images),

# Display the plots.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 5))
for ax, metrics, title in zip(
    axes, (training_metrics, test_metrics), ("Training set", "Test set")
    # Plot the metrics
    for metric, values in metrics.items():
        ax.plot(epoch_range, values, label=metric.capitalize())

训练和测试误差分别显示在上面的左图和右图中。随着 Epoch 数量的增加,总误差减少,准确度增加。




您已经学习了如何使用 NumPy 从头开始​​构建和训练简单的前馈神经网络来对手写的 MNIST 数字进行分类。


使用 NumPy 从头开始​​构建神经网络是了解 NumPy 和深度学习更多信息的好方法。然而,对于现实世界的应用程序,您应该使用专门的框架 - 例如PyTorchJAXTensorFlowMXNet - 提供类似 NumPy 的 API,具有内置的自动微分和 GPU 支持,并且专为高性能数值计算和机器学习。


(感谢hsjeong5演示了如何在不使用外部库的情况下下载 MNIST。)